Sticking to a budget is hard - here’s how to stay on track.

A common question that I get ALOT is - ‘I know I should have a budget, but how the hell do I stick to it????’

Let’s get real for a sec - its easy to say ‘stick to a budget’ just as easy as it is to say ‘just eat less and exercise more’. These concepts are simple, but not easy to execute.

In a nutshell sticking to a budget is hard in the beginning because of our brains. Yip, it’s us (not inflation or the cost of eggs). Our primal brains are soooo NOT into change. Even though we say we want to and know we need to change to achieve our money goals, our primal brains see change as danger and will tell us ALL the reasons and stories why we need to stay the same so that it can keep us in our comfort zone.

Good news is - once our new actions (such as keeping and sticking to a budget) become the ‘norm’, it becomes a habit and something that we can easily do on autopilot.

So now that we know why its difficult to stick to a budget, lets look at some tips and tricks on how to make it easier:

  1. Plan for obstacles: Expect curveballs that might derail your budget, and come up with a plan on how to deal with these.

  2. Schedule it: Set regular times, like weekly tracking and make sure it is in your calendar and most importantly - show up for it like you would any other appointment!

  3. Accountability: Similar to having a workout buddy, enlist support from a friend or coach who can help keep you committed to your financial goals (learn more about coaching with me here)

  4. Have a strong enough why: This could be anything from saving a deposit for your first home, paying off pesky debt or just getting your finances in order to reduce stress and give you more options. The stronger your why, the more you are likely to stay the course.

Remember, sticking to a budget is like mastering a new dance move—awkward at first, but with practice, it becomes effortless and even enjoyable! So, embrace the challenge, set those financial goals, and groove your way to financial success! Your future self will thank you for it.


Embracing Slow Living


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