Embracing Slow Living
"Slow living" is a lifestyle that emphasizes a more deliberate and mindful approach to daily life. It focuses on quality over quantity, simplicity, and intentionality. Curious about how taking it slow can help your finances? Let's dive in, at a leisurely pace of course…..
Quality over quantity: Slow living encourages you to buy less and choose high-quality, durable items that are built to last over cheap, disposable alternatives. This mindful approach not only benefits your personal lifestyle but also positively impacts the environment by reducing waste, promoting sustainability and saving you money in the long run.
Mindful Consumption: Consider your choices carefully before you spend your hard-earned money! Engaging in mindful shopping not only means more money remaining in your pocket, but it also contributes to less clutter accumulating in your life. By making thoughtful purchasing decisions, you can enjoy a more streamlined and organized living space while enjoying more money in the bank. I personally practice the 30 day rule where if I want something, I wait at least 30 days. Majority of the time I have forgotten about the item by then, and if I really do decide to bring it into my life and if I have the money saved up to pay for it in full, I do so guilt free. I have also found usually the longer I wait to buy an item, the more it correlates to being a ‘worth it’ purchase. Example: I bought a jacket over 2 years ago that I thought about buying for over a year. I now wear it at least a few times a week during the cooler months and it’s still going strong!
Focus on Essentials: Slow living often involves carefully prioritizing what truly matters most in our lives and intentionally cutting out unnecessary distractions. This clarity allows us to make more thoughtful and focused financial decisions, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling and balanced lifestyle. As the saying goes you can have anything but not everything, and slow living embraces this.
Simplified Finances: You may find that you are able to budget more effectively, track your spending with greater ease, and plan for long-term financial goals more successfully when you embrace a slower-paced lifestyle.
Less Stress: Slowing down the pace of life and living intentionally can work wonders to ease those persistent money worries and help you forget about the constant need to keep up with the Kardashians or the latest so-called ‘must haves’ that is pushed on us. By taking a moment to reflect on your values and priorities, you can cultivate a sense of peace and contentment that diminishes the pressure of consumerism.
Embracing DIY: Slow living can often mean picking up new skills that not only save money but might also bring in a little extra cash on the side. This could be as simple as mending your own clothes instead of throwing them away, or it might involve cooking and baking at home more often. Sure, there's a risk of overindulging in homemade cake (we can't be the only ones unable to resist a second slice, right?), but hey, it's all part of the fun!
In a nutshell, slow living is all about making more mindful choices and embracing what truly matters.