Think before you click! How to shop mindfully this Black Friday.

With all the flash sales and impulse buys happening during Black Friday and Cyber Monday, it's easy to get swept up in the hype and grab stuff without really thinking it through - we’ve all seen the cringey videos of people battling over waffle irons!

So, this year, why not do things a little differently? Shopping mindfully on Black Friday doesn’t mean you’ll miss out on awesome deals; it just means you’ll make smarter choices that benefit you, the planet, and your wallet!

If you keep these tips in mind, you can be a more mindful shopper this Black Friday and avoid that dreaded buyer's remorse later.

Tip # 1 Stick To Your List

Got your eyes on a few must-have items or needing to buy gifts for loved ones? Make a list and stick to it!

Now comes the tricky part: only allow yourself to buy tings on sale that are on your list. No ifs, ands or buts.

Your brain might try to convince you that you absolutely need those shoes that you didn’t even know existed until a minute ago, but don’t fall for it. Stay strong and stick to your plan!

Tip # 2 Have ‘cash’ ready to go go

I’m not saying you need to be hauling around wads of cash, but it’s best to set a budget and have this money saved up ready for your purchases. Think ahead and decide what you can comfortably afford to spend. Steer clear of credit cards and buy now pay later.

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Tip # 3 Would I buy this at full price test?

Ask yourself “Would I buy this at full price?” before hitting that ‘buy’ button. This nifty trick will help you avoid splurging on things you don’t need and are simply buying because it is ‘on sale’.

Now, let’s take it to the next level! Imagine you had your eye on a $200 dress, but it’s now $100. Take the $100 you saved and tuck it away for your future savings goals such as a deposit for your first home, emergency fund or retirement.

Tip #4 What is driving your purchase?

Take a moment and think about what’s really behind your purchase. If your reason is more about a negative feeling, like fear of missing out on a great deal, and not because the item actually fits your values and will improve your life, it’s probably a sign to pass on it.

P.S. It's also totally cool if you decide to skip Black Friday altogether, but I hope the above tips will help you enjoy a more mindful experience if you do decide to partake.


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