Less, but better make up

As part of living a curated life I live by ‘quality over quantity’ and ‘less, but better’. Incorporating this into my make up routine not only saves me time but money in the long run. Let’s also keep in mind that most makeup items once opened have a shelf life of 3 months to 1 year. Here are some rules/habits that has helped me simplify my routine and reduce the number of items that I require:

  • 1 in 1 out rule - temptation sets in when I am in a Mecca store so I decide in advance that I don’t replace an item until it has run out.

  • Keep everything in one place where possible (so you don’t forget what you already have and end up with 10 lip sticks!)

  • Keep it simple. I pretty much have 2 looks - day to day and I’ll add a red lippie and or liner using my brow pencil if I want to glam it up for the evening. I also use my blush as eye shadow for double duty

  • Eyelash extensions. Not necessarily a money saver but I love the time it saves me in the mornings and mascara just did not work well for me

As a result my collection has been narrowed down to a few items which works for my day to day and night time look.

  • Bobbi Brown Intensive Skin Serum Foundation

  • Bobbi Brown Blush

  • 2 x brushes (eye and blush)

  • Hourglass brow sculpting pencil

  • Bobbi Brown foundation stick (I keep this in my handbag for emergency touch ups)

  • 2 x lipsticks (Mac and Nars)

  • 2 x lip balms (one for the car, one for home)

Do you use all the make up that you own or do you end up just reaching for your favorites?

What habits / rules do you use to simplify your make up routine?

Photo by Element5 Digital

Affirmations for abundance.