Letting go of comparison

Social comparison theory is the idea that we tend to measure and define our worth based on comparison to others rather than how we feel. In a society where talking about money openly is still largely seen as taboo (which we at Curated Money are on a mission to change), comparing ourselves to others is especially dangerous when we only see what is on the surface (new car, fancy house) but not necessarily what is beneath the surface (mountain of debt, stress from living paycheck to paycheck).

Rather than accepting society’s status quo on what you should have, take some time to think about what your most extraordinary, curated life includes. This should be custom tailored to you and be as specific as possible. Use this as the blueprint to build your life and curated spending plan.

Here’s to letting go of comparison and knowing that we are all worthy.


How we split our finances.


How to Marie Kondo your finances.