Less, but better - in the kitchen.

Fun fact - I have a diploma in culinary arts and worked as a chef for a short time.

I obviously learnt alot during my couple of years of study and by cooking in general since then, and the main core principle of keeping it simple has served me well over the years in and out of the kitchen.

Here is how to keep it simple and apply less but better in the kitchen so you can save time, money, turn out better meals and have less to clean up!


You only need 3 knives - a bread knife, a chef’s knife and a paring knife. Invest in good quality knives and keep it sharp (a blunt knife is far more dangerous than a sharp one). I personally use the brands global and wusthof.


You don’t need fancy gadgets unless you really get a real kick out of using them all the time. I find that most of them are time consuming to clean which puts me off using them. Again invest in a good quality appliances that you know you will use all the time and that won’t break down after a few years.

I personally have the following:

  • rice cooker (Stole it from my mum and it is actually older than I am and still going strong)

  • stand mixer (I love to bake and have had it for 10 + years)

  • food processor

  • nespresso machine

  • toaster & kettle

What you probably don’t need (unless it is something that you get good use out of)

  • waffle maker

  • air fryer

  • pasta maker

  • ice cream maker

  • crepe station

  • smoothie maker

Tools & Gadgets

Less but better applies here too. As a general rule you don’t need things that only perform one action (e.g. garlic press).

I personally have the following:

  • pepper mill

  • microplane (highly recommended!)

  • potato masher

  • peeler

  • can and bottle opener

  • whisk

  • spatulars

  • tongs

  • colander


I love the look of streamlined storage so try and purchase the same glass food storage containers in different sizes for left overs and prep. I also like the look of decanted items (i.e. flour, spices, nuts, chocolate) so will put them in glass containers after shopping - you can re-use glass containers for a budget friendly option.

Ready to apply ‘less, but better’ to your kitchen? The best tip that I have heard is the ‘packing party’ from The Minimalists which you can apply here. The concept is simple - put all your tools and gadgets into a box, and take it out as you use it. This will let you visually see and realise all the items that you don’t really use or need. Then it is up to you whether you want to donate or keep the unused items (I personally have a hard time letting go of items which my brain always tells me I might need ‘someday’ so just know I am doing this work right alongside with you!).

Main takeaway to stop you reaching for takeaways on the regular - you don’t need a lot of tools and gadgets to make a delicious meal. The keys to a great meal is usually quality ingredients that have been cooked simply.

Great company and a good bottle of red doesn’t hurt either ;-)


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